Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA; Scoping): A survey for the presence or absence of bats.
Full activity survey (if bat signs or potential are identified in the above survey): Includes dawn and dusk activity surveys, as well as a static survey conducted via a passive bat recording device. 
DNA analysis: Any bat droppings found are collected and sent for analysis to ascertain the bat species. This ensures that all measures are tailored to the needs of the species. 
Mitigation plans
Method statements: Provided for builders, architects, planning departments and local authority ecologists.
European Protected Species (EPS) License Applications: This license is often necessary when you have a confirmed bat roost within your development so that work can legally commence as it is a criminal offence to disturb or destroy a roost, and to kill or injure a bat. We can guide you through this process or complete all of the paperwork for you. ​
Overseeing construction of EPS licensed developments

We provide

If you have an area you plan on developing, contact us as early as possible as some species can be more technically demanding and therefore time-consuming.

Our Services

Our  Complete Bat Service includes

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Protected Species Surveys e.g. badgers, otters, great-crested newts, water voles, etc. 

Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) Services
Tree Surveys
Grant funded works e.g. Glastir and Lottery funded projects.
Surveying of all building types​ e.g. Listed buildings, ancient monuments, Napoleonic Forts, barn conversions, commercial buildings, and large developments. 
Sustainable Energy Development surveys e.g. Single or Multiple Wind Turbines; solar farms.​
Biodiversity Net Gain Services; there is a demand for biodiversity net gain from every development and we are able to guide you through Biodiversity Enhancement Plans, ensuring a resilient ecosystem and enhanced biodiversity for future generations. 
Green Infrastructure Statements
Pollution Prevention Plans
Habitat Regulations Reports
Biodiversity Enhancement Plans


I&G Ecological Consulting Ltd. 

The Office,

Awelfryn, Upper Tumble,


SA14 6BY

Tel: 07973 685423

Tel: 07733 214829

As we are often in the middle of woodlands or fields where reception is poor, please contact both emails and numbers  to ensure your query gets the attention it deserves and somebody gets back to you as quickly as possible. 


• Complete Bat Service

• Scope Surveys

• Activity Surveys

• Tree Surveys

• All Building Surveys 

 ​Protected Species Surveys

• Sustainable Energy Development Surveys

• Biodiversity Net Gain

• DNA Analysis 

• Mitigation Plans

• Method Statements

• European Protected Species (EPS) Licenses

• Grant Funded Projects