I&G Ecological Consulting Ltd

Bat surveys is just one area we work in, we offer a full suite of ecological surveys to help your development goals to be achieved. If you have an area you plan on developing, engage your chosen ecologist as early as possible as some species can be more technically demanding and thus time consuming and ecology is just one area that may hold up your plans...so get in early and plan for ecology from the get go.


There is a demand for a biodiversity "Net Gain" form every development so think about how you will achieve this and how your development will ensure a resilient ecosystem and enhance biodiversity for future generations.

We offer a full "Bat" service, including ;

1. basic scoping (a survey for the presence or absence of bats).

2. If bat signs (or potential) are found in the above survey, then we must undertake a full activity survey which consists of a dawn and dusk activity survey as well as a static survey through the use of a passive bat recording device.

3. All bat droppings are sent for DNA analysis to ascertain the species of bat, this means all measures for your bats are tailored to the needs of that species.

4. Mitigation plans.

5. Method statements for builders, planning departments, local authority ecologists and architects etc.

6. EPS licence applications (European Protected Species); We can guide you through the process or complete all the paperwork for you.  This licence is usually necessary when you have a confirmed roost in your development so that work that you are planning can go ahead legally......as it is an offence to disturb a roost, destroy a roost or to kill a bat.


Some of the many Architects and companies we work with and have undertaken work for  are listed below feel free to call them for a quote for their expert services:











Carmarthenshire County Council

Ceredigion County Council


7. Oversee building works during EPS licenced developments. We also offer Ecological Clerk of Works services and supervision for all sizes of jobs.

8. Tree Surveys for bats and for construction to BS5837. 

9. Grant funded works e.g. Glastir and Lottery funded projects

10. Any and all building types surveyed including, Listed buildings, Ancient monuments, Napoleonic Forts, barn conversions, commercial buildings and large developments.

11. Surveys for sustainable energy developments e.g. Single or multiple Wind turbines.